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Saturday, March 07, 2015

Sunday, January 11, 2015

 Got to Hap & Donnas place on Friday and stayed 2 days, first time we had such a long visit, but it was nice since we don't get to see them very often, and usually just for a short time. They are getting ready to go on another cruise, while we were there his daughter Tammy and her husband came by, its been a long time since we saw her. Here are a few photos of them and Haps Place. We left this morning stopped at Costco to get gas, $1.99 Yeh!, now we are home for a few days before we head south

Jan 8,2015

Going to Springfield to visit Dave & Betty, We left the nice coastal weather for some foggy and cooler weather to visit with Dave and Betty, Dave used to work for Greyhound and in the old days Greyhound rented rooms from us for the drivers to spend the night there, he retired several yrs ago but always found his way to see us at the motel when he would come thru on his Harley for, he always invited us to come visit for the last 10 yrs and finally we did, he has a beautiful place on the river in Springfield Or, we spent the night there and had a wonderful visit 

 Our view 

We left there on Friday afternoon to return to Roseburg to visit with Nevada's Brother Hap and his wife Donna, The trip was not the best as the fog came in and it was thick. Will continue with this.

Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Jan 2015

A New Yr a New To Us Motor Home

Our first trip in the new motor home is to the coast before we head south for a month or two. It has been a long time since i have posted on my blog.

Our first stop was Winchester Bay We stayed at this very nice park called Winchester Bay RV Resort check there site out. I highly recommend this park for it is very reasonably priced and very clean, Full hookups plus cable tv and wifi, we were only going to stay one night  but it was so nice and quiet that we stayed another night, the weather was perfect 59 degrees, no rain, no fog, no wind, it must of known i was coming as i personally hate the coast. LOL usually cold and rainy a foggy, very depressing.. Anyway nice day out at the beach, Princess really enjoyed herself there, acting like a pup...
Our view at sunset isn't that pretty?

We stopped and bought a crab, ok didn't know they were going to cost the price of gold, $22 for this ugly looking thing, and not all that much meat in it, good thing we weren't hungry.

Asked the gal about cleaning it and how much said it was free, so we thought she would do all the hard work for us, not sure what she did when she took it to the kitchen, but sure wasn't anything we thought, got back to the motorhome to eat it thinking it was going to be a easy eat and oh dear we had nothing to take the meat out with. Ok so do you know what she did to clean it? took us forever to open all those legs and get the meat out. Thank goodness we are not all that crazy about crabs.

So here is Princess sitting on this lovely carving, who ever did that sure is good, can't believe there are so many wood carving places at the coast.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Todays Flower

If you look close you can see a lonely butterfly , actually there was a lot of butterflies but that is the only one i could get.
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Monday, November 09, 2009

Meme's combined in this post/Hole in the Rock

Click on the top name to get the photos of the inside of the house in the rock
Because i wanted to put this set of photos all together i decided to put all the memes i am on together on this post so please check out all the meme;s on the side bar .

If ever in the Utah area and want to see a artsy place please be sure and check out Hole in the Rock,Several yrs ago we stopped here and they allowed you to tour the inside of the house in the rock,which they still do have tours but your not allowed to take photos anymore so click here to see some photos that is on there website to see a few of the photos they have posted. The lady there said they don't allow it anymore because of the tourist taking the pictures decided to sell some of the photos for profit so that is why they don't allow it anymore
Click on the photos to enlarge them the details are amazing

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Watery Wed/Wolverton Mill

Hanksville Utah
Wikipedia information:

Hanksville is a small town in Wayne County, Utah, United States, at the junction of State Routes 24 and 95. The town is just south of the confluence of the Fremont River and Muddy Creek, which together form the Dirty Devil River, which then flows southeast to the Colorado River. Its population was estimated at 203 in 2006.[1]

The town was settled in 1882, and known for a time for the name given to the surrounding area, Graves Valley. It took the name of Hanksville in 1885, after Ebenezer Hanks, who was the leader of the group of pioneers who established the small Mormon settlement.[citation needed] It was not incorporated until January 6, 1999.[2]

The REA brought electricity to the community in 1960. Today agriculture, mining, and tourism are the main drivers to the local economy. Tourism is particularly important with people coming for recreation at Lake Powell, Capitol Reef National Park, the Henry Mountains, the San Rafael Swell, Goblin Valley State Park, and the solitude of the surrounding deserts and slot canyons.

Hanksville was a supply post for Butch Cassidy and the Wild Bunch, who would hide out at Robbers Roost in the desert southeast of town.

During the uranium mining frenzy following World War II, Hanksville became a supply center for the prospectors and miners scouring the deserts of the Colorado Plateau. Many abandoned mines can be found in the deserts surrounding the town.

The Hanksville-Burpee Quarry is located nearby and the Mars Desert Research Station is located seven miles northwest of town.

Dirty Devil River

This is the gas station and grocery store pretty neat that they built this in the rock. Be sure to come back when i post about another interesting place built in a rock
Click here for more information on the history of this mill

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Monday, November 02, 2009

This is My World/Dinosaur Museum

Our next adventure was stopping at the Dinosaur Museum
The Dinosaur Museum is in the city of Blanding, Utah, which is located in beautiful San Juan County. The vacation spots of Moab City and Arches National Park are to the north, and historic Bluff and Monument Valley are to the south. Fresh air, spectacular scenery, and rich cultural experiences await the traveler to this region.

I won't bore you too much with photos of dinosaurs as some may not be interested and if you are i am sure you have seen a few. But did want to show a few things of interest.

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Ok so my question has always been, how did they come up with those names that one can not pronounce? you know there was no writting back in those days so why are they named such long names?

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