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As we were driving home from Quartzite we came across these crosses along the freeway and it stretched out for at least a mile, we thought it had to do with the soldiers that died , but as we drove farther down
Here is what the sign said: I know this is very controversial . Sad, no matter what ones thought are.
Tea shot
11 hours ago
sad indeed
It is sad. But I always want to know how many children people who do these kinds of displays have adopted or fostered. Could their money and efforts better have been used to actually help someone?
Hey Lilli! Thanks so much for stopping by Meggie's Stuff and leaving a comment. I see that you also like felines and have a bunch. Your travel photos are facinating...I will be back to check on your newest adventures. Miss Princess looks like quite a cutie. I loved reading your prior posts. Is Bend anywhere near Mt. Hood? Take care, I'll be back again soon.
PS: I just recently started ready Dean Koontz and enjoyed him very much. Ciao!
Yes it is!
Very Sad!
I am sure someone will see this and have a different opinion. God created. Thou shall not kill. Abortion is murder. As soon as a sperm connects to an egg there is life. If you do not want a baby, you have a choice, either use birth control or don't have sex. That is WHEN the choice is, not after the baby is conceived. If you do not want the baby after it is born, there are many people who would love to have a child buy can't. Adoption is more respectful than abortion.
My thoughts are as andrea's on this.
Visit me and see the Unusual!!
On this subject I guess the best thing to do is to say nothing!
Always it should we remembered these pictures. Perhaps thus we become better as persons!
He is deplorable but is true.
Very good post!
Someone must have a lot of time on their hands, I wonder where they get their figures from. Certainly a controversial matter and as quintarantino suggests best to say as little as possible
Symbols on a controversial topic - indeed.
An explanation on my previous post.... ;)
I am married to a sailor. I followed him once, on a journey.
Across The Pacific Ocean, The Atlantic ocean, The Mediterranean etc. The photos in my post are from my photo album. :)
We live in the Bible Belt here in Texas and see this kind of display constantly..and I agree with Nessa- how many more babies, that are already here, could be helped if only these people were in the hospitals volunteering, passing out love instead of staking the ground, telling people about numbers instead of giving out compassion...just a thought...
It is sad that some don't value life. I think it is perfectly fine for this person(s) to have this display. How can we judge what ELSE they also might be doing? What are YOU doing? Abortion doesn't need to be swept under the rug. People's greed for unprotected sex needs checking. Either don't have sex or use protection. What happened to being a virgin bride? It says a lot about the morals of those who are our neighbors. Those that post and say they shouldn't say anything are wrong . . . IN MY OPINION. Life is to be treasured, not thrown away. Off my soap box. (I hope you publish my comment.)
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