If you would like to join Misty click here for the blog roll and join inOk so you all might remember the little kitten we got and wondered if we were going to keep him or not, well i think these photos will answer the question of does he fit in our family of 11 already. Click on photos for better viewing So here is Tom Tom yup that is what we named him, licking Princess Ok so i am getting comfy next to you and i think i want to snuggle And Princess with a huge yawn OH HUM! I guess you can snuggle So here is Tom Tom snuggling to Precious Yup i am feeling love from all my new family Here is Oliver he is big brother weighing in at 35 lb's or more but loving his new adopted brother Oh yeh i love that toilet paper, nothing better than playing with that stuff. Hey everybody i found the perfect home, i am so happy that someone dumped me off to the right house. I have more food and love then any cat could ask for. Oh yeh i did hear someone say that i have to go to the Dr and get fixed what ever that means?
We own a small motel that we bought in 1994 and have worked at successfully, but along with everything that has gone on with the economy we no longer run it as a motel. Plus were getting old, so just do monthly's now.
Please leave a comment as i would love to hear from you.
Tom Tom is a really cool cat!
gorgeous (but rather too many of them??)
That is a happy ending to the story. Beautiful pics too!
I guess Tom Tom is staying then. And Oliver is 35 lbs??!!! Wow. That is some cat. Mindy is 17½ lbs and I thought she was big! lol
Glad they all get on. Great critter post.
What a sweet kitten :) Thanks so much for stopping by, and yes the Graves can be very trying especially for those who don't understand it.
I do like a critters storyboard. Very cute.
They are just too cute! I have a tabby too!
I played too :)
that is so wonderful that he has a happy home. so many brothers and sisters to curl up with!! what a cutie.
Wow! That's a lot of cats! I love the shot with the TP. I had a cat once that used to love to unroll the TP. LoL.
Thanks for sharing!
That's so great the the dog and cats get along so wel.
Love the series of shots. All are just too cute!
Great pictures and my you have a lot of pets!
Lili: You have a crew of pets just like my daughter.
Tom Tom is a cutie and it's great that everyone gets along so well!
Nice critters you have there!
Such a lucky kitty, to join y'all in your loving home.
I knew it the minute you let that new friend in. . . I think you did too. lol
Tom Tom is such a cute, and lucky, kitty. I love that picture of him all snuggled up with Oliver.
Wonderful story, and photos. I'm glad he gets to stay.
They are looked like they can get along very well and have lots of fun.
Cute! If I was a cat I'd want to be dumped at your house too!
Whoa! Everyone having a great time, me wanna cuddle them too :)
Your cats look so well but I couldn't cope with so many. Guess they know they are loved.
This series of shots proves yet again how wonderful animals are!
I love the big, gray tabby! All of your pets are adorable. They seem to like one another, too.
Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiig cats!
What an adorable kitten! Your cat weight 35 pounds? That's a BIG kitty-cat!
I'm SO glad Tom Tom found a good home.
They are too adorable!
omg, those are great photos!
Nice family photos 8v)
Oh I am so happy you were able to keep Tom Tom! He is adorable!!!
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