Feb 22, 2007
Well finally got some snow, about 4 inches, not much but just enough to make a mess in the parking lot, it warmed up some and of course it melts, then ends up freezing at night, so then the parking lot is icy, hate that part of snow.
Took Princess out to play in it, her first time, boy she was having a really good time, running and licking it.
Feb 23, 07
What a crappy day this turned out to be, Nevada flushed the toilet, oh no back up, yukkkk0!!!!!
He did the plunger nothing, he did the snake nothing, not long enough , he took the toilet out, nothing, good time to keep it out and get new one, been going to do that anyway but been holding off cause of the sale of the place.
Anyway we found that it was plugged from room 2 on down here to the house, we have a vent in the laudry room were it was all backing up into , god what a mess that was. Ok so who put what in the toilet.
Since he didn't have a long enough snake we went to Home Depot picked one up for $30 bucks and also a new toilet, all together spent $117.00 came home, he worked on it some more, this has been going on since 9 am mind you. Me getting uptight, call the darn plumber. Him saying i don't want to pay a plumber. 3:30 he finally says call the plumber. Luckily it was before closing time. You know double time. Nice thing was he came right out, said it might be 3 hours, but he was right there. 20 minutes we are back in business. $95 bucks for the fix, not as bad as we figured. Wish i new what the plug up was.
So another exciting day at the Tom Tom Motel