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Well its another yr for Miss Princess Cocoa she is 2 yrs old now, it is hard to believe how time flies. So last yr i made her a yogurt pie which she didn't like, so this time i got her a cupcake for the Halloween season since its so close, and again she says nope to this cake. So i guess i am going to have to stick with Fillet Mignon. Don't understand why she don't want it, she eats everything else..... Maybe cause it don't say Happy Birthday. Well anyway sweet girl we love you.
Cute and I'm sure she's spoiled rotten too!
Happy b-day to Ms. PC. She sure is pretty!
Princess Cocoa is a beautiful little dog. I wouldn't blame you at all for spoiling her. Happy Birthday, Princess!
You made me remember that my Brodi just had his birthday and my Fibi will the night before Halloween. :) My pups love liverwurst. :)
How Adorable! Happy Birthday Miss Cocoa. LOL mine would have eaten the cakes!
Oh dang, sorry.
Happy Birthday wee one! So cute, even if finicky. :)
How cute! I think I'd prefer a B-day steak too :-)
Happy birthday!!
Happy Birthday to the little Princess!
Thanks so much for stopping by my CC's post and leaving the Rainbow Bridge story - I loved it a lot.
'Where's the candles...? Don't I rate candles?'
There is your answer.
Happy birthday little dog and lots of fun in your life! Enjoy whatever you get. Thabks for visiting!
Birthday wishes to MPC! Our pup had a birthday yesterday too: 5 years. Hard to believe.
Oh this is too cute!! =)
Happy birthday Princess Cocoa!! Adorable post!!
Happy Birthday to Miss Cocoa, she's a little cutie pie.
Happy birthday to your Princess, she is so cute and I would definitely say yes to fillet mignon.
Happy birthday princess!!!
Bonne Anniversaire Miss Princess Cocoa You are a beautiful princess. Sandy
Very cute post! Happy Birthday Princess Cocoa.
She is cute. Happy Birthday sweetie.
I guess she is waiting for a red meat celebration...
Lilly: I just saw Jelly Bean today and her and Princess could be twins.
I agree with alleni!!!!!!!! He thought missing candle and I thought missing words on cake. . . lol Maybe she is jsut savoring the moment, guarding it so the cat doesn't take it or think it should share!
Happy birthday, Princess Cocoa!
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