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Monday, October 06, 2008

Odd Shot Monday

If you want to join ODD SHOTS, see Katney.

I thought this was a fun and Odd sign since most signs tell Humans not to feed the squirrels
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Jane Hards Photography said...

Oh that is is cute and a little out there. I hope the squirrel is literate to read these along with the humans.

Anonymous said...

Clever critters, these squirrels.

PERBS said...

You are right about most signs -- this one is telling humans the same things but talking t the squirrels because humans don't listen! hehe The squirrels get fed around my apartment building so much that they aren't afraid of humans and don't run away when you walk by. Just so one doesn't follow me inside and want an elevator ride to my apartment!

Come se my entry.

Cath said...

Awwww that is cute!
Odd, but cute.

becky aka theRAV said...

Like the squirrels could read! That is cute & funny. Great job!

Donna said...

Hahahaaaaa......TOO CUTE!!hugshugs

Lady Di Tn said...

That made me LOL. Glad that I did not have to go to the bathroom. heehee. Peace

DeeMom said...


really neat

Katney said...

Well, believe me, the humans don't always get the idea.

Unknown said...

who made this!!!?
very nice!

Meggie said...

Cute sign, Lilli! I've never seen anything quite like it.

Ingrid said...

That's cute ! I think I should open a school there to teach squirrels to read, lol !

LC said...

Great sign I wounder if the squirrels can read. I hope all is well. Lloyd and Ranger.

Rose said...

ha-ha! I love this!

Dick said...

Haha that is funny, let's hope they give attention to the sign.

Shammickite said...

Hahaha some human food is even bad for HUMANS!!!

Craver Vii said...

Hmmm... I interpret it to mean that
1) squirrels can read, and
2) they eat humans.

AAAAAhhhhh!!! RUN AWAY!!!