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Monday, October 20, 2008

Odd Shot

If you want to join ODD SHOTS, see Katney.
Sorry this guy is a bit blurry, but i got the shot on a drive by, they had him stuck between the gas tanks. "GO DUCKS"


Anonymous said...

Very Odd - they must be quackers.

Daryl said...

Quacked me up! Perfect odd shot!


PERBS said...

I see he has his Oregon shirt on -- is that their colors?

Unknown said...

A great drive by shot!

Katney said...

For some reason, we have Ducks ads here. Maybe because the Cougs are doing so poorly.

Shionge said...

Where's the duckling kekeke... :D

AVCr8teur said...

He looks like he's waving at you during your drive by.

Ingrid said...

Hahaha ! that's funny !

Lady Di Tn said...

Great odd shot. I love to watch them play. Peace

Diane said...

I love to see em', but would not want to be 'em~

dot said...

How cute! Did you throw him some quackers to eat?

Unknown said...

Nice catch for odd shots!