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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Our family of cats

Our family of cats,
Well i guess they call me the cat lady, or maybe they call us nuts, any case, we love our cats so I will tell you a little about them.
This is TC, she is the oldest cat we have, we are guessing she is about 20 yrs old,We owned a Tanning and Figure Salon in Roseburg, when one morning I came to work and opened the door, when she came running thru the door, I noticed as she passed me by that she was carrying something in her mouth, thinking it was a mouse, I rushed to get to her before the ladies came in to excercise, but as I got closer looking under one of the machines were she ran, I noticed it was a baby kittie, it wasn't moving, I finally coaxed her out and got to the baby which was dead. I felt so bad for her and I kept thinking that there might be more, so i left the door open thinking she might go and get more, but she never did. The garderners were outside so I asked them to keep an eye out for more kitties. Well she decided to stick around the Tanning Center and the ladies all thought she was so cute and loving. But no one claimed her.... So i then I held a contest for nameing her, Free tans for the winner. Her name short for Tanning Center. Some of the ladies would bring her food, and then finally they all gave a donation to have her fixed. I ended up bringing her home when she was fixed because I was leaving to go to germany with my mother who had cancer and couldn't go by herself. And being afraid that TC by accident would be left in the building.
When we moved to Bend she was also and indoor and outdoor cat, coming and going as she pleased, but one day for whatever reason she decided that she no longer wanted to be outside, that was about 8 yrs ago. She has no desire to be outdoors anymore....

This is Tittertat, yep at one time he was a slim active young kitty. He came to us by way of next door at Pay N Pack, knowing we had one cat they thought he was ours when they called, I said to them no we only have one, BUT if you don't find the owner you can bring him over here.Nevada was sleeping when they brought him over, I brought him in the house and when Nevada woke up, he said were did he come from? I said next door they can't find his owner, Nevada started petting him and telling me NO you can't keep him, we don't need any more animals, as he was petting him he also said what are you going to name him LOL.

Well here he is 11 yrs old, weighing in at around 28 lbs maybe more but havn't weighed him lately. Here he is eating corn on the cob, yup he loves people food, I know its not what your suppose to give them but gosh he loves my cooking, Why I have no idea, I guess he doesn't know he is a cat.

This is Samont, She is a real little lover and also momma's girl, meaning me. If she doesn't see me she starts to whine till she knows were I am at, she also likes to knead when she is tired on my neck.She has a tail that curls up around her back, one lady asked me what happend to her tail? As she got older that tail also got more and more curled.

This is Cutie Pie,my grandaughter named her as I said i had run out of names, so she said grandma, she is such a cutie pie that you should name her that. She is a bit of timid girl, but very loveable, loves to be combed, loves to lick ya, and watch out, she drools a lot
Quite spunky when she is in her playful mood.She loves to pack our socks all over, find that we have to hunt them down when we can't find the second sock.

This is Jenny, she is quite a girl, when she was young for some reason we couldn't really tell if she was a boy or girl,she was so mischevious and hyper. Has calmed down some now tho. She loves to curl up and lay in my lap, loves to play with her toys and throw them in the air and chase them.

Here are the girls when they were small, Nevada found them when he was mowing the lawn. We had a lot of ferrel cats and we could never catch them, so we did the best thing and take the babies, there were actually 4 the other one was a boy and the gal that works at our vet office ended up taking him, We had called him Tiny Tim as he was really small.But boy when he got bigger he was BIG.

Here is Samont and Cutie Pie when they were small, there marking is Samont has the orange spot on her forhead, and Cutie Pie as one side of her face more orange striping.
Well i will have to add the others as part 2 .

1 comment:

Lilli & Nevada said...

testing to see what comes thru