If you would like to show off your beautiful flowers join TODAY'S FLOWERS which was created By Luiz Santilli Jr, now its managed by Santilli and Denise BC
With all the cold and freezing weather we have had at night i still have these two snapdragons left in my flower bed, Maybe i should plant more of these.
Join Misty in this neat meme if you enjoy seeing critters from across the lands
Today we decided to take a walk over on the other side of the Old Mill District as we have never gone there before. Nice area and what a great place to walk your dogs. Princess sure loved it. Well this is what I got photos of today.Click on photos for better viewing
Hope that all of you that celebrate Thanksgiving have a blessed day .
Last week my son flew to California and since i don't fly i asked him to take some photos in the air so this is one he sent me. And i thought i would take this shot this morning of what our weather was like for Thanksgiving, Beautiful day, about 32 degrees what more can you ask for. Altho Mt Bachelor didn't have enough snow to open for there ski season i heard they were trucking snow in so that people could do the tubing.
Join Misty in this neat meme if you enjoy seeing critters from across the lands
So for many weeks now i have been feeding this cat that has been hanging around here, which i am not thinking could very well be related to Tom Tom as there size is about the same. So i am thinking whoever dumped Tom Tom off is reading my blog and dumping off the rest of the litter, Please stop if you are, LOL i am going broke having to feed them all.Well anyway this cat is nothing like TT as it is not friendly at all, runs off whenever it sees me. Till recently and i am wondering why?I finally got a close enough photo her the other day, thru the glass door.
Anyway lately she has been coming down to eat several times a day and i thought for the amount of food i was putting out, this cat should be extremely fat as she eats everything out there.And let me tell ya, even my house cats don't eat that much in one sitting.So the other night i didn't put any food out and waited for her to come to see if she would come closer to me, well it worked, but not so that i could touch her, but she did come and meow at me to put the food down so that she could eat, Well now i think i know why she is eating so much, i do believe this little gal has kittens somewhere, she has this little bag hanging down which do look like little teets, gosh this is not what i want to see. I do hope i am wrong, can't seem to find out were she is staying so hopeing that it will snow enough so i can watch the foot prints and find out. Anyway she is a very pretty cat, here she is walking back to her hidy holeAnd here is Mr Black Bird or what ever he is watching her and sqauking as she moves along. He should be happy that she is full and not fending for herself, otherwise he could be her dinner.LOL
If you want to join ODD SHOTS, see Katney. for the blog roll
Do you see anything odd about this tree? Look in the top right the brown spot, better if you enlarge the photo. I Thought it was a mushroom growing so thought i would get a better look and photo. Scroll down for what it really is
I was surprised when i took a stick to really make sure it wasn't a mushroom,But now i wonder how a pancake got up there? LOL
Join Misty in this neat meme if you enjoy seeing critters from across the lands
Well i have to share a couple more photos of Tom Tom, he really has taken to my son who actually caught him in the cage, so every time he comes in he runs up to my son and gives him lots of love and licks, he loves the whiskers too. I think he says to him THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! For catching me and giving me such a great house to live in, I never go hungry, your mommy lets me eat all i want and lets me help myself to all the 7 different bags of cat food that is on the floor, i just love to help myself and sleep on the bags so that i know i can eat whenever i want. And here i am watching the bread machine make bread as i love to eat bread too and its so yummy. Gosh i got really lucky in this household.
If you would like to see our Coast trip come to Out And about Oregon Its my newest blog that i am doing, just traveling in and around Oregon. Since we are not doing any major trips away from Oregon this yr. You can click on the side bar as well
If you would like to join Visit Luiz to sign Mr. Linky and see more flowers from around the world.
I took these at the Shore Acres Garden on our coast trip. According to one of the gentlemen there, he said these are all patented roses. They were pruning all the flowers back when we got there.
Join Misty in this neat meme if you enjoy seeing critters from across the lands
Well i had to share a couple of photos of Tom Tom who has been watching Casey drink out of the sink and has decided that it was a fun idea, so here are a couple of photos of him enjoying the drip drip drip of the faucet. Make sure you click on photos for better viewing as these are little creatures that say's slime in the woods. Another set of creatures that we saw at the coast going to one of the falls which will be posted later on my other site Out and about Oregon
We own a small motel that we bought in 1994 and have worked at successfully, but along with everything that has gone on with the economy we no longer run it as a motel. Plus were getting old, so just do monthly's now.
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