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Friday, April 10, 2009

Camera Critters

I thought this was such a cute photo of Pumpkin which he is called at the present time till he goes to his forever home .
And this is the ducks that have been hanging around at the end of the motel, well they moved to the side yard, so had to throw them some more bread, i just love it when wildlife comes to visit me in the middle of town.
And Misty asked to see the bull's eye on Tom Tom he has the same marking on the other side. This is also the outside cat house that Nevada has been building, last weekend we found a sliding glass door for the bedroom and cut out the wall to put it in so the cats can go outside and enjoy the sunshine whenever it gets here.
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Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Nice pictures. Thanks

Unknown said...

I'm sure the cats will enjoy going outside!

J said...

What a little cutie! My (at home) ginger cat is called Pumpkin...tis a good name for a ginger.

Michele said...

Awww... pumpkin is so cute and fuzzy... what a sweetie!!

i beati said...

lucky Pumpkin - gorgeous

Unknown said...

Pumpkin sure is a cutie !!

Wow, Tom Tom does have a definite bull's eye on him..

Nice photos..

Bryan said...

It looks like pumpkin doesn't ever want to leave.

Unknown said...

The first kitty is just so cute!

Norm said...

those animals are fabulous...cute pumpkin, gorgeous ducks with healthy cats...

RA said...

Pumpkin is a real cutie! You have some lovely visitors there. I also was curious about Tom Tom's bull's eye. That's so unique. The critters are very blessed to have arrived at a place with so much love and caring. Have a great weekend :)

Jane Hards Photography said...

Pumpkin is a absolute poppet

Tink *~*~* said...

What a cutie that Pumpkin is! :)

Tink *~*~*
Critters on the Castle: Kaa

EG CameraGirl said...

You are lucky to have a nice spot for all you lovely kitties. Pumpkin is soooo cute!

DeeMom said...

Pumpkin is a beauty
The ducks???? Mallards or Rowens?
love ducks;)
Love cats

DeniseinVA said...

That's a great name for Pumkin, what an adorable photo and the others are great too.

Monica said...

Pumpkin is such a cutie! I'm sure someone will adore him.

Tom Tom is pretty cool. I'm sure they will love being able to go outside in the nice weather.


Tulip said...

what a cute little brown kitten. happy easter!

Pat - Arkansas said...

Pumpkin is a cutie!! And, Tom Tom is gorgeous! What beautiful markings!

I need a place like you've got for your kitties. Neat!

Happy Easter, Lilli and Nevada!

Small City Scenes said...

Oh, sweet little pumpkin. Thank you for taking care of the cats. MB

dot said...

You let your hubby in a cat house???? Forgive me, I couldn't resist!
Cute cat pictures, especially the one of pumpkin.

imac said...

OH soooooooooooo cute.

LC said...

Pumpkin is cute I like the outside cat house. Ranger and Scout are wondering if you allow two dogs in your pet friendly room.

AVCr8teur said...

That looks like a cat condo. Cute photo of pumpkin. I'm sure the new owner would like a copy of that.

To answer your question, the guy poking his head out on the bridge was in a limo. I guess he wanted to film in style.

Carletta said...

Great shots!
I love little Pumpkin!

Arlene said...

Aw aw pumpkin is so cute. :)