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Monday, November 26, 2007

Glacier National Park Part 1

I love waterfalls and if you have never been to Glacier National Park, its a great place to visit. The sun road has many wonderful sites to see.


madretz said...

I have never been to Glacier NP. It is on my Must See list though. I love our National Parks!

imac said...

I love waterfalls, and these are just fantastic.

Parade and lights post started today.

Mike's Travels said...

That water looks amazingly clear!

Quick Snap 365

rosemary said...

more beautiful pix....your usual. we had a foot of snow last night and it barely got to 30 today....come on over and play in our snow....and we have lots of leftovers too.

dot said...

How beautiful! The water sure looks clear. Thanks for showing me things I'll probably never get to see in person.

Ginnie Hart said...

I love waterfalls, too, Lilli, but have never been to GNP. I remember hearing in my Anatomy & Physiology class years ago that water ions attach to us when we're near them, giving us therapeutic healing. I like that thought.

TorAa said...

Could not be more agree with. The Sun Road is a gift to nature loving people. But you should not be afraid of highs, when crossing the pass.

Excellent pictures.

PS. If you love waterfalls, go to Norway (just have a look at the list over the highest Waterfalls in the World)

Kerri Farley said...

Oh I LOVE Waterfalls...AND I love visiting National Parks!!

Neva said...

Wow.....what neat pictures! How Beautiful.