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Thursday, November 15, 2007

This & That with land and remodel

So yesterday they took the Diner's sign down, Don & Sharon were here and we were looking out the window just waiting to see if they were going to drop that sign on the road or on top of a car or even themselves. But nope they did a good job once they got all the chains around it. So sad to see it go, NO NOT REALLY. So if you look under it there is a rose bush not sure what kind it is, but it has the prettiest roses in the summer time, i have been wanting that rose bush for a long time, and so Nevada went and asked the guy and he said help your self as we will be tearing it out anyway , so having to go buy a shovel, because Nevada sold ours at our garage sale. Anyway he will be digging it up tomorrow.
So here it is waiting to be put on the truck, they did a good job taking it down. No damage to it or anyone. Sure is nice to see that huge thing gone.That land is so open now sure looks huge.So here is son putting nails into the panaling, this closes off the office and the first room, so now we are back to having 10 rooms instead of 9, and a large office. Now to think of what and were to put all my DVD's for rent.Well this is what he did, he put the DVD's on the wall not even a dent to the movies i have so will have to sort them from oldest to newest I think he said there were 63 on there maybe it was more, i don't know but i have close to 180 as i buy a movie a week sometimes two.
So when we get it done i will take another one .
Now here is another recipe for Thanksgiving:

Mashed sweet potatoes

4 medium sweet potatoes, peeled
1 tbsp. Butter
1/4 cup milk
3/8 cup brown sugar
1 tsp. Cinnamon
Boil water.
Peel potatoes and cut into small cubes.
Put in boiling water. Let cook until potatoes are soft.
Remove potatoes, place in bowl.
Mash potatoes with potato masher or mixer.
Add butter and milk; stir.
Add brown sugar and cinnamon, stir.
Dish onto bowl or plate.
Sprinkle cinnamon lightly over top.


Kerri Farley said...

GREAT that you can get that rose bush!! You'll have to take a picture of the roses for us when they bloom :)

And keep those recipes coming!

Andrea said...

I love sweet potatoes. They are so good for us. But I like mine baked and natural, no butter, brown sugar or any flavoring added. Now my husband would love the recipe you can added. He puts butter on his baked sweet potatoes.

Oh and not bragging but I have this huge bag of sweet potatoes Dot brought me from her visit to south Georgia.

AVCr8teur said...

I love sweet potatoes too so I might just have to make some for the holidays. That sign must have been a historical landmark to some. Glad to see you documented its removal.